Read answers to frequently asked questions
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The most basic and compulsory requirements are: 1. WordPress friendly hosting and cPanel based hosting. 2. A domain name/website name (e.g. linked with hosting server. 3. Content for pages (text+images).
If  you don’t have already, I can do it for You at the best hosting I know and I use, and PLUS:
You Will get DISCOUNT!

Well, I can answer this question after checking the website. You are highly welcome to share your ideas and thought in the inbox, thank you.

No, I don’t offer SEO services. If you are looking for SEO services I can give you more contacts I have for related companies and developers.

No. If you need support or updates for premium themes/plugins, which I have used for your website from theme/plugin developer, you will need to purchase that theme/plugin. My package does not include licenses.

Yes, you can manage your website from easy to use admin panel and can update your website as you want with simple drag and drop options. I have been a computer science teacher for over 20 years and can help you update your WordPress site for free, once.

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