Photoshop – koja je alternativa?

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop:
Za šta možemo da koristimo program i zašto je dobar?
Pogledajte i besplatan pandan Photopea, online editor. Photopea je skoro strogi klon Photoshopa. Ima sve iste alate koje koristi, iste funkcije nanošenja slojeva. Zaista je blizak postojećem Photoshopu, tako da ako zaista znate kako da radite sa Photoshopom, Photopea je odlična alternativa samo kao besplatna opcija.

Na ovom linku je poredjenje (pros & cons), i pregled koji je bolji, update  uradjen 30.oktobra, 2024.

1. Introduction to Adobe Photoshop -Layers
1. How to use layers in Adobe Photoshop CC
2. Basic navigation & how to combine images in Photoshop
Color & Adjustment Layers
3. How to fix an image using levels in Photoshop CC
4. How to change the color of something in Photoshop using Hue
5. How to make an image black & white in Photoshop CC
6. How to add a gradient to an image & text in Photoshop
7. Creating a specific sized document Adobe Photoshop CC
8. How to draw star square circle shape in Photoshop CC
9. How to create text in Adobe Photoshop CC
10. How to warp text in Adobe Photoshop CC
Layer Styles
11. How to add a line around the outside of type in Photoshop
12. How to a bevel or emboss to text in Photoshop CC
13. How to add a drop shadow to text in Photoshop CC
14. How to crop an image in Adobe Photoshop CC
Selections & Masking
15. How to copy from one image to another in Photoshop CC
16. How to crop images inside of text
17. How to remove the background in Adobe Photoshop CC
Quick Select Tool
18. How to put text behind a person in Adobe Photoshop CC
19. How to create a layer mask in
20. Cut a person out & put them into another image in Photoshop
21. How to blend fade one image into another in Photoshop CC
22. How to weave text in and out of a Photoshop image
23. How to select hair in Adobe Photoshop CC
24. How to select things with straight edges in Adobe Photoshop CC
25.  Text & Image Interaction
26. How to add filters & effects in Adobe Photoshop
27. How to turn an image into a painting in Adobe Photoshop
28. Class Project 07 – Oil Painting
Smart Objects
29. What is a smart object in Adobe Photoshop CC
Transform & Distort
31. How to remove people & text from a picture in Photoshop
32. Use Google Images to find your image before retouching
33. How to remove red eye from photographs in Photoshop
34. How to retouch skin in Adobe Photoshop CC
Blending Modes
35. Using blending modes
36. What is the difference between RGB and CMYK in Adobe Photoshop CC
37. How do you change the resolution to 300dpi in Photoshop CC
40.How to export images from Photoshop for print, for web & social media
41. Automate
42. Scripts
43. Import


40 hours of total learning

50 hours of full learning

Some of my old works

Malena digresija:  taman da krenem u priču o Adobe Photoshop 2020., a ono već uveliko ide Adobe Photoshop Elements  2021.
Trka za ažuriranjem znanja je kao let raketom u neku daleku galaksiju.

How to create a movie poster in Photoshop.

Cooling, decay effect
in 9 minutes

An example for a layer clipping mask, my work

What is a layer masking?

Layer masking is a reversible way to hide part of a layer. This gives you more editing flexibility than permanently erasing or deleting part of a layer. Layer masking is useful for making image composites, cutting out objects for use in other documents, and limiting edits to part of a layer.

You can add black, white, or gray color to a layer mask. One way to do that is by painting on the layer mask. Black on a layer mask hides the layer that contains the mask, so you can see what is underneath that layer. Gray on a layer mask partially hides the layer that contains the mask. White on a layer mask shows the layer that contains the mask.

Create a layer mask

  1. Select a layer in the Layers panel.
  2. Click the Add layer mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel. A white layer mask thumbnail appears on the selected layer, revealing everything on the selected layer.

Add black to a layer mask to conceal

Adding black to a layer mask hides the layer that contains the mask.

  1. In the Layers panel, make sure there is a white border around the layer mask thumbnail. If there is not a white border, click the layer mask thumbnail.
  2. Select the Brush tool in the Toolbar. In the Options bar, open the Brush Picker and choose the size and hardness of the brush.
  3. Press D to set the default colors of white and black in the Toolbar. Then press X to switch the colors, so black becomes the foreground color.
  4. Paint over the image, which adds black to the layer mask. Black on the layer mask hides the layer with the mask, so you can see the layer below or the checkerboard pattern that represents transparency.

Add white to a layer mask to reveal

Adding white to a layer mask shows the layer that contains the mask. You can paint with white on a layer mask to reveal content you had previously concealed with black on the layer mask.

  1. Press X to switch the foreground and background colors in the Toolbar, so white becomes the foreground color.
  2. Paint over hidden areas of the image. This adds white to the layer mask, bringing back into view corresponding areas of the masked layer.

Fine-tune the layer mask with black, white, and gray

Switching between black and white as you paint on a layer mask is a flexible way to fine-tune the mask edge. If you use a soft brush, the edges of the brush will apply shades of gray, partially hiding that part of the layer with the mask.

Save your work with layers

  • Save the image in .PSD or .TIFF format to retain the layers and layer masks for future editing.


This Photoshop CC tutorial covers how to create a powerful ink smoke portrait. Take a look how to merge two images together using masks. Then add some filters to reduce some of the noise and soften the image and more.

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